FODMAPs - What are they?The term FODMAP is being used in the media more often as people are becoming aware of IBS and ways they can manage it. You might have...
Do you have IBS?By Annika Wood and Sascha McMeekin (IBS Dietitian in Perth) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that...
Yoga & IBSBy Sim Sekhon & Sascha McMeekin Mental stress and IBS are known to be linked in a relationship that flows in both directions. IBS...
Managing an IBS flare-upBy Sim Sekhon and Sascha McMeekin If IBS flare-ups are keeping you up, getting you down or taking over, read on to learn the 3 ways to...
The 5 Most Common Causes of IBS Flare-UpsBy Sim Sekhon & Sascha McMeekin Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is typically a life-long condition. Your IBS symptoms are likely to vary...
Soothing Stress and Your IBSBy Annika Wood & Sascha McMeekin Are your IBS symptoms causing you to feel stressed, or is your stress contributing to your IBS? Help!...
A Dietitian’s Guide: The functional effects of fibre By Sascha McMeekin, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Owner and Principal Dietitian at Prosper Dietetics What is fibre? Dietary fibre is...
A Dietitian's Guide: Probiotics & Prebiotics in Irritable Bowel SyndromeA Dietitian's Guide: Probiotics & Prebiotics in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. By Sascha McMeekin, Accredited Practising Dietitian.